"Eight is Enough"... well, actually, we had 10 in the house this Christmas. Wait, do you count Johnny and Ebby? 12!?! My family came up from the Bay Area, and Bob and Marilyn were fabulous hosts. Can you believe we all were able to fit under one roof!?! So on Sunday, we celebrated the first ever Weikra Christmas (Weik family + Krake family... get it? Snappy name, eh?). It was nice having everyone around, and it was surprisingly relaxing, just kicking around the house. Without a big agenda of things to do, seeing as how we were still adjusting to having a newborn in the house, we enjoyed lounging. The Christmas movie trilogy came back this year as well. It's a little tradition my family has in that we watch a film trilogy over the course of the break.
It started a several years back with the Godfather Trilogy. We then did an "Edward Norton" trilogy with Primal Fear, American History X, and Keeping the Faith. The lighthearted family-friendly finale that year inspired us to find trilogies that the whole family could enjoy (Cheryl and mom couldn't quite stomach American History X). So the following year, we did Ocean's 11 trilogy with the original Ocean's 11 film, the remake, and Ocean's 12. This year, we enjoyed the Bourne Trilogy as Shatrine received the Ultimatum as a gift. Good times. Any ideas for next year's trilogy? I'm thinking about the mock-u-mentary trilogy... Waiting for Guffman, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Spinal Tap... what do you think?
All that to say, it was a fabulous first Christmas, and with the full house, there was no shortage of arms willing to rock Audrey to sleep.