Thursday, May 24, 2007


So we're on our way to one of many 'last suppers'... That sounds terrible. Let me rephrase that: we're going to hang out with some friends one more time before the move. It's been great just hanging out and spending quality time with the friends we've made here in Texas.
So it's raining crazy right now, and I'm writing this blog from my phone while Shatrine drives. Shatrine says that we'l have to get used to this rain. Of course we'll sadly be leaving Texas just at the time to miss all of the great summer weather. (For those of you reading this from outside of Texas, that last line was doused with sarcasm).
Well, we're almost at the Barnes' house, so we'll sign off for now...


Ryan Lee Sharp said...

Give my love to the Barnes.

Glenn said...

We had a great time. Evan is growing like a weed (and smart, too!). The kid is a Star Wars maniac. We saw some video of Evan's kindergarten school production... precious.