Friday, June 29, 2007

I'm employed!

I got the ideal teaching job this last week. Of the 9 or 10 applications I had out, there was one that I was really hoping would pan out. The school district is amazing. From looking at their vision and mission, it's really like a large public-school version of the small private school I'm leaving behind in Texas. They place a huge emphasis on professional development (they pay 100% of graduate work... yes, 100%), and focus on ethics and leadership as well. Needless to say, I'm quite excited. I'll be starting the day teaching yearbook 1st period (which doesn't start until 8:30am), and then after my prep period, I'll have one section of 9th grade English, and then 3 sections of 10th grade English. So it looks like I'll be reading To Kill a Mockingbird, the Odyssey, Romeo & Juliet, Of Mice and Men this summer. I'm looking forward to revisit some of those as it's been a couple of years since I've taught 10th grade.


brian said...

That's sweet, Glenn! We are so stoked for you!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I hated not knowing where I was going to be at the end of the summer. This school is so fortunate to have you!

Ryan Lee Sharp said...

Hey man, congrats. That's really great. Hope to see you guys in August, yo.

Louie said...

Congrats, Glenn!!! I'm glad you have this blog or I would never know you and Shatrine moved to Oregon. Do me a favor can you have Shatrine call Fritz. Take care!!

wscottcheney said...

I'd just watch the movies. Reading is over-rated.