Saturday, June 02, 2007


Have you noticed how many songs there are with the name, Maria? Santana, Martin Sexton, Julia Andrews, West Side Story... We're learning them all as Rob and his girlfriend, Maria, are in town visting. We ate at our favorite Mexican food place in Fort Worth, Joe T. Garcias, and I was tempted to get the mariachis to serenade us with a Maria ditty, but better senses prevailed.
We've had a blast with them (Rob and Maria, not the mariachis) parading around, going to the Dallas Museum of Art Jazz concert in the park, checking out the Kimball Art Museum, seeing the longhorn stampede at the stockyards, and Rob and I even ventured to take a ride on the mechanical bull! Good times. We did, however, resist the urge to go to Billy Bobs (the quintessential honky tonk in Fort Worth) as Ted Nugent was in concert (if you can call it a concert...).

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