So Shatrine wasn't feeling when we finally pulled in to LA, so she laid low with Tom and Kristine in Brea. I made my way down to see Ryan and Holly, who happened to be on a mini-tour in the southland. We thought we were going to miss them since we'd be in the Bay while they were in LA, but it just so worked out that they were in concert in Santa Ana (just 15 minutes from where we were staying). So I got to see them and Paxton. Ryan Bell from Hollywood took some cool shots to capture the evening, so I thought I'd post a link here to some of the pictures he took. Thanks Mr. Bell! (The picture at the top is one of Ryan's). Can you belive Paxton made it through the entire concert in that sling. What a trooper! Holly even rocked a melodica over his cooing babbles. Half the time, he just seemed entranced with Ryan's voice (Cobalt Season Ryan, not Photographer Ryan). Coolest part of the evening? Ryan played Koyannisqotsi (sp?) in the background during the concert, and at one point, he was singing about getting on the metro, and at it was like "Dark Side of the Moon" and "The Wizard of OZ"... people were sliding their BART tickets and getting on the train. Fun stuff.
This is a test.
Maria, you passed the test!
Dude, great to see you. Hope you have made it in safe and sound. We'll be passing through in August on a short NW tour. Hope to see you then, yo.
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