So at 2am Thursday morning, Audrey woke up Shatrine with her contractions, and by 4:22am, we were at the hospital. A wonderful doctor, Helen, from the UK (whom Shatrine had already met) welcomed us and tried to get a monitor on Audrey's heartrate. It was dipping and peaking, and Shatrine was only dilated 5cm. We tried getting Shatrine in the jacuzzi tub, but it didn't seem to help much as she was in just as much pain between contractions because of the pressure on her hip. Helen did some checking to see how Audrey was coming along, and noticed Shatrine's water had broken (which was news to us). Come to find out, the water broke Thursday morning, and when we called to tell the hospital, based on the description/amount of fluid, etc. they told us it was the mucus plug, and as long as Audrey was still moving, we could wait to come in. So, with that information, Helen took a closer look and it was apparent that Audrey had been working hard, and her fluctuating heartrate suggested that she was tired and ready to come out. But since Shatrine was only 5cm at this point, it was apparent that Audrey wouldn't have the strength to wait it out, so another doctor came in for a second opinion, and definitively said, "You're going to have a C-section." Someone threw some scrubs at me, and minutes later, I was in the hall, and a nurse said, "You're going to have a baby girl in your arms in five minutes." It happened that quickly.
So at 7:01am, little Audrey Elizabeth Krake came into the world. She was 7lbs 2oz. and 20 inches. As soon as she came out, though, they immediately noticed there was an infection, and Audrey was having some trouble breathing. They cleaned her up and I got to hold for a moment and Shatrine gave her a kiss. Then they whisked her away to the NICU. They started her on antibiotics to kick the infection, and did the same for Shatrine.
Shatrine's feeling great, and only 7 hours after surgery, she made her way across her room on her own! Audrey's breathing has improved, and at this point, we're waiting to let the antibiotics work their course. As of 9:45 Friday night, it looks like Audrey is going to have to be in the NICU for at least 5-7 days to let the antibiotics kick the infection (simply because they have to administer the medicine through an IV, so they have to monitor her). If the infection has spread to pneumonia, it could take 7-14 days of medicine, and worst case, if the infection has spread her spine, then it would be menengitis, which would take 14-21 days in the NICU for her to be able to kick. All in all, spirits are high, and we're confident it's just a matter of time for the medicine to run it's course. We know God is in control! We'd love it if you took a moment to pray that Audrey's breathing continues to improve on her own, and that the medicine takes effect.
We'll let you all know as soon as we know more!

On her way from surgery recovery to her own room, we were able to wheel Shatrine's bed into the NICU so she could get to see Audrey.

Grammy Marilyn got to come in and visit with Audrey.

My sweet girl!

Gramps and Uncle Rob got to come visit as well!
So excited for you guys! We'll keep you all in our prayers for quick healing and getting to go home soon. Can't wait to see more pics of your little princess...
Gina Pierce
Congratulations! You have a baby! And on Ness' 30th birthday. She'll be happy to hear that. We're praying for Audrey Elizabeth. May God keep her safe grow her up in the example of her parents.
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