Sunday, June 03, 2007


So we went to our church today for the last time (sad). After the service, we all went to the Mosaic Cafe (yes, our church has a coffee shop in the lobby). Rob got some hot tea, and it was so piping hot, someone made a comment about it being 'hotter than hades' or something of that ilk, and it led into this massive tangent about 'brimestone brews' and how we were certain somewhere someone has a "Christian"-brand of tea. You know, kind of like the "Teste-MINTS." Terrible. But we amused ourselves coming up with different flavors for our new line of "Christiani-TEA." I was so proud of my wife for coming up with my personal favorite flavor, "Tea of Galilee." Classic. So I thought I would blog about it and thus copyright the concept, so in case someone actually tried to bring the concept to fruition, we could sue them and claim we've copyrighted the concept, thus forcing them to remove all their products from production.
Thought we could do our part to rid the world of cheesy Christain knock-off slogans.
We did enjoy using up some of our Texas gift cards like Shatrine's birthday gift to Metro Cinemas from John. It's a really nice movie theater where they serve you food. So we watched Pirates III, and I tried to keep from throwing up my Reuben during the Pirate-fight-slash-wedding scene. Terrible. Almost as bad as the Christiani-TEA concept.

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