Part of my Christmas present this year was a plane ticket down to LA during my spring break so I could see the Dodger's 50 anniversary of moving to LA. So I flew down and got to do some touristy LA things since our friend Dave Bush from the East Coast came out. It's funny how sometimes you never get to see some of the more touristy areas until you show someone else around. In fact, after going to college and living in LA for 6 years, I had never been to Venice beach. Well, here is my "Sidney Dean" pose with Dave (if anyone gets the "White Men Can't Jump" movie reference).

We also did a little cruising (well, ok, a LOT) down Hollywood Blvd. I think we figured about 4 miles of walking, just so I could find Johnny Cash and Audrey Hepburn's star. And my dad had his life in danger by some road-rager, but he was able to dodge the on-coming traffic. All that to say, I got my pictures:

In my searches, I came across the great Vinny:

And I'm sure this isn't the same guy, but I thought it was funny:

(Clyde Cook is also the former president of our alma mater: Biola University, so I thought Shatrine might get a kick out of this)
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