For part 2 of Shatrine's birthday (after the Murder Mystery Dinner), Rob and I surprised Shatrine with tickets to see one of her current favorites: Mindy Smith. It was actually somewhat comical, because Rob and I had been planning it for a long time, and the week before, Shatrine called me into her office and said, "GUESS WHO IS COMING TO TOWN!?!?" I had to tell her that Rob and I had something else already planned for that night, and we couldn't change it around. She was seriously disheartened. I promised her we'd catch Mindy next time she came through. So we went out to an awesome German restaurant, and when we rounded the corner and it said, "Mindy Smith Live In Concert" on the marquee, Shatrine put two and two together. A good time was had by all.
Side note: Mindy is like the official sponsor for Propel. it was hilarious. She was making all of these product placement comments between songs. Fabulous.