For John's 30th birthday, we surprised him with a trip to the pacific northwest. How do you surprise someone and convince them to get on an airplane? That's another story entirely. Well, we had several adventures ahead of us. Despite arriving late Thursday, we left bright an early Friday morning to take advantage of all the day-time possible. First destination: Tillamook and the Tillamook Cheese factory. (yummy samples, yummy ice cream... too many choices).

Despite a slight detour (after an hour down the road, we realized I left the camera at the Ice Cream counter pictured above), we arrived in Astoria, home of the Goondocks. If you are lost right now, stop what you're doing, rent "The Goonies" and continue your life now enlightened. So we re-traced the steps of our beloved Goonies:
(John watching Chunk's car chase from the opening credits)

(Posing in front of the famed County Courthouse... which though currently out of operation, remains nestled next to the police station, so recreating the gasoline fire column was out of the question)

(And finally, the ultimate in Goonie-lore: Mickey's house. Here I am doing the truffle shuffle... classic).